​On 4 June 2015 Mr Stanislaw Szwabski, EA President participated in the high level conference organised by the Polish Delegation to the CoR on "Europe level up = governance level down. Decentralisation and multilevel governance as key factors for a stronger Europe".  25 years ago in Poland the self-government level was restored as a result of political changes. This reform, subsequently continued by the government of Prof. Jerzy Buzek, has been considered to be one of the most successful transformations in the recent history in Poland. 30 years ago in Strasburg the European Charter of Local self-government was adopted. This document of crucial importance promotes political, administrative and financial independence of local authorities. By commemorating these two important events a discussion was opened on the condition of the European Union’s self-government level. Although the benefits that decentralisation brings are not questioned, the process itself is not yet finished. There is a need to continue financial decentralisation and reinforce the regional and local level, also by introducing a multilevel governance principle, to make them real partners contributing to European growth and jobs.