08 February 2023
Home/ EANewsKobor highlights research and innovation as key enablers for sustainable economic growth and the creation of jobs in regions and cities

Kobor highlights research and innovation as key enablers for sustainable economic growth and the creation of jobs in regions and cities

During Plenary Session in February 2023 Mr József Kóbor, Counsellor of Pecs Council in Hungary took part in the Debate with Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission: LRAs fit for the digital age on behalf of the EA Group.

Mr Kóbor said that Research and innovation are key enablers for sustainable economic growth and the creation of jobs. He highlighted that the EA Group fully believes that a flexible and future proof regulatory framework for digital innovation is necessary to address challenges and opportunities flowing from the rise of industry. "We believe it is important to remove barriers which businesses currently face when investing in digitalization, for example in the field of artificial intelligence, big data, cybersecurity, digital services and taxation".