During the CoR plenary session on 18 July, Mr Musotto, deputy of the Regional Parliament in Sicily, while addressing Commissioner Mallström, urged the European Commission to propose concrete measures to ensure greater solidarity among Member States in managing migration flows.

"Everyday, Sicily, Malta, and Greece have to cope with massive flows of poor people who are escaping poverty and oppression. Despite the goodwill and solidarity of the local people, the size of these territories does not allow for adequate reception conditions".

Last week another 50 people died while trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea and reach the coast of Sicily. This situation is clearly unacceptable.
"We welcome the extension of Frontex mandate but this is not enough", added EA member Musotto.
"What is missing is political willingness to treat migration as a common concern as well as a shared vision about the future of the EU, which should make of the area of Freedom Security and Justice one of its pillars."

Mr Musotto concluded by calling upon the EU to ensure that criteria such as the area of the population, the welcoming capacity of a given territory are taken into account in the relocation of migrants within the EU.