Mr  Adam Banaszak Member of Kujawsko - Pomorskie Region Council and EA group coordinator in the NAT commission, has met Mr Sonik, the Vice Chair of ENVI Committee of the European Parliament. The objective of this meeting was to discuss the main points of the CoR opinion on the role of local and regional authorities in the implementation of the Health Strategy 2008-2013. Local and regional authorities are directly affected by the 2008-2013 health strategy since, in the majority of Member States, it is they who are responsible for healthcare services in their area. Regions and local health players are responsible for the planning, management, operation and development of the health sector. The creation of a Technical Platform for Cooperation on Health by the CoR and the European Commission is considered as a very positive initiative. It is seen as a good instrument to increase cooperation between regions and the European Union as well as between regions themselves.