Roger Knox, East Lothian Councillor, has asked Mrs Laurette Onkelinx, Belgian Deputy Minister for Social Affairs and Public Health, responsible for social integration, to take resolute action against unemployment and poverty reduction. The economic and financial crisis have had great repercussions on ordinary citizens but we still hardly understand why should them be penalised due to the fault of the banks, said the EA member.
He asked Mrs Onkelinx what the Belgian Presidency is doing to coordinate the effort of the EU and its Member States to reassure European citizens, those workers who have lost their job, public civil servants who saw their wages drastically cut.

During his speech Mr Knox calls for a Europe wide reform of the pension systems. "It is not simply about ensuring social cohesion and keeping the elderly productive" he said. "Member states should put in place a comprehensive and balanced employment policy to get the youth enter more easily the labour market so as not to hinder EU's growth potential".