​The NAT commission meeting, held in Brussels on 30 April saw a fierce discussion over the highly controversial issue of manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products. Acting as the group's political coordinator, Mr Jerzy Zajakala particularly strongly defended the position that no economic benefit should be put ahead of human health and that employment must not be taken as an excuse for 700.000 deaths caused by tobacco consumption in Europe each year.

In addition to the official confirmation of Mr Jerzy Zajakala's rapporteurship on Sustainability of Rural Areas, Mr Rhodri Glyn Thomas was appointed rapporteur on the own-initiative opinion on Revision of state-aid regulations for fisheries and aquaculture. The opinion is expected to give an important influence to the European Commission's proposed draft regulations due to be issued at the end of 2013/beginning of 2014 and strengthen the Committee of the Regions' contribution to the thorny issue of State aid.

The next meeting of the NAT commission will take place in Kaunas, Lithuania, on 18 and 19 July.