​EA Group's first vice-president, Mr Jerzy Zajakala held a series of meetings in preparation on his own-initiative opinion Sustainability of rural areas.

The meetings included exchange of views with representatives of the R.E.D. (Ruralité-Environnement-Développement) international association representing rural development sector, and consultations with Mr Wladyslaw Piskorz, Head of Unit for Competence Centre Inclusive Growth, Urban and Territorial Development at the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) of the European Commission. The meetings saw interesting discussions on the flexibility of the Common Agricultural Policy funds and the consequent decrease in available funding for non-agriculture related rural development in many Member States. Interlocutors also agreed that any form of rural-urban partnership should be preceded by a comprehensive and locally-designed rural development strategy.

First discussion and adoption of this highly important opinion in the Committee of the Regions will take place at the NAT commission meeting in Kaunas (Lithuania) in July.