​During the Committee of the regions debate with the Commissioner Hogan, Mr Enda Stenson, EA coordinator for NAT commission made a plea to the Commission to facilitate young people to go back to farming. "I think the future must be attractive for young farmers" he added. 

He highlighted: "Where I see a major disadvantage with the EIB involvement in the Junker plan is that there is no Geographical quota for investment and therefore the major investment will be to cities. It is why I wish to call for targeted and real investment in broadband and services in rural areas. The rural areas are decimated by the lack of investment in rural communities and the EU should ensure adequate funding. By providing high speed broadband and services in rural areas this will help create jobs and keep people working and living in the rural communities.  It is fundamental for the quality of life in these communities. He also asked the European Commission to ensure that rural parts of Europe will finally catch up with decent broadband.