During the CoR Plenary session, Jerzy Zająkała, Mayor of Lubianka and President of the European Alliance group in the Committee of the Regions addressed the EU Commissioner for Climate Change Ms Connie Hedegaard. In his speech Mr Zająkała, expressed his hope on successful international summit which would help the international community to move ahead towards the achievement of EU and global climate goals.
Mr Zająkała, who signed on behalf of his commune, the Covenant of Mayors and committed to put in place concrete action at local level to contribute to the achievement of the 20-20-20 targets, asked the Commission to take into account the difficulties of fossil fuel dependent countries such as Poland where coal is still the main source of energy production and help them switch towards a low carbon economy.

During the CoR Plenary sessions a memorandum of understanding between the COR and the US Conference of mayors was signed to promote local actions aimed at improving energy efficiency of buildings, promoting renewable energy, sustainable urban mobility, as well as to change citizens' behaviour.