​During the CoR Plenary session on 12 July 2017 the opinion of Mr Tadeusz Truskolaski, European Alliance coordinator on the ECON committee on StartUp – ScaleUp initiative was adopted unanimously. The Rapporteur highlighted the role for cities and local authorities in promoting StartUp and ScaleUp business. He also stressed  the need for funding to be accessible, innovative and flexible for new business start-ups. There is a need to be common EU rules on insolvency and that the situation where every Member State and region has a different system is unsustainable.

Supporting innovative entrepreneurship and dismantling the obstacles to its development through improved access to finance and the single market, better connections between regional entrepreneurial ecosystems and raising awareness about the need to give failed but honest entrepreneurs a second chance are the objectives of an opinion.

"We have to work together and be even more ambitious and proactive if we want to build strong entrepreneurial ecosystems in our cities and regions. If companies find the right framework locally they can be successful globally. That's why we need to create the right circumstances to allow the next generation of success stories to grow in Europe, stimulating growth and development across the entire Union", said rapporteur Tadeusz Truskolaski, Mayor of Białystok.