​Following  the debate with the CoR members during last NAT commission meeting in Porto (19 June), Portugal, Cllr Tony Buchanan, 1st Vice President of  NAT commission and the CoR Rapporteur on CAP simplification met today the stakeholders to debate the need for CAP simplification. After the stakeholders meeting he also met the representatives from the European Commission. The stated aim of a simpler framework for the CAP would increase competitiveness in the agricultural sector, save time and reduce costs for all the actors in the CAP, including farmers, economic operators and public authorities.

"Simplification of the CAP does have a territorial dimension. Rural areas are exposed to demographic, economic and social development problems, including depopulation and relocation of businesses. The CAP also supports areas with natural constraints.  Indeed the Common Agricultural Policy is not just about agriculture, farming and food production but can also be a key driver for territorial cohesion by balancing the economic development between urban and rural areas as well as providing economic diversification to areas mainly if not solely depending on agricultural revenue."-said Cllr Buchanan. He added: "In so doing, the CAP as renewed for the 2014-2020 period has a stronger dimension on innovation, support for young farmers, community-led local development, producer cooperation and sustainable development. This requires a simpler framework than the one currently available, so that direct payments are improved and more equitably distributed as well as work on specific sectors such as geographical indications."