​On 3 December the CoR debated in the presence of Commissioner Mr. Avramopoulus and MEP Mrs Kyenge about the future EU agenda on migration.
Karl Vanlouwe, member of the Flemish Parliament, taking the floor on behalf of the EA Group highlighted that local governments are in the frontline in managing this crisis and it consequences.
"We do not have to hide behind political correctness we have to acknowledge there is a problem and we must come up with appropriate solutions, Mr Vanlouwe said. "We have to protect those fleeing from war but the Geneva Convention was not intended to facilitate the arrival of more economic migrants looking for a better future, it is unacceptable the system is being abused." he continued.
Karl Vanlouwe concluded his speech by recommending the following measures: securing external borders, investing in reception facilities, step up returns to safe countries including Turkey and creating hotspots at the external borders.