​During a joint meeting of the European Committee of the Regions and European Economic and Social committee on: "Cork+20: leaving rural areas behind is no longer an option". The first Vice President of the NAT commission Cllr Tony Buchanan, Scotland and Cllr Enda Stenson, Ireland, called for more resources to be directed towards rural development policies.  The meeting was held in Brussels on the 9th November and included European Parliament and European Commission representatives.
Both were very positive towards Commissioner Hogan's Cork 2.0 declaration agreed in September but insisted that now the real work begins in implementing the policies agreed. "I welcome the adoption of the Cork 2.0 declaration and the focus now needs to be on implementing the conclusions reached to ensure that we have vibrant rural areas where people can live and work in an environment which is prosperous, which is innovative and which offers opportunities which currently may not exist.  It is clear that local government needs to be part of the real sustainable development of our rural communities. The CoR's keys messages and opinions need to be taken into consideration in this regard", added Mr Buchanan.
Cllr Stenson said that rural areas need to have fast broadband and that the EU and Government need to deliver this as a matter of urgency. He added no rural jobs would be created without access to modern services.
On a more critical note Cllr Stenson said that: 'mass afforestation has a negative impact on rural communities and that planting land with Sitka spruce means that the land will not be farmed and the money would be more wisely used in upgrading land and educating young farmers to ensure the best ways of making an income on family farms'.
Participants in the meeting were clear that there was an urgent need to implement Cork 2.0 and without the investment in rural communities the depopulation towards cities would continue.  They hoped that Commissioner Hogan's focus on Rural areas would rebalance EU policies to revitalise our Rural communities.